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Integrated Microhealth Global Medical Center and Mobile Clinic

The growing trend of health outreach programs requires mobile health clinic. Bad roads and long distances from villages to Health Centers prevent rapid movement of patients to Health facilities. Where such facilities exist lack of resources including trained staff deters trust. As a result the Mobile Clinic brings medical care closer to the Mbengwi people. Where the Ambulance cannot react we dispatch nurses on motorbikes to be first respondents. Where the Mobile Clinic cannot reach we dispatch nurses and health professionals to check on discharged patients taking vital signs and evaluating situations that need immediate medical attention and taking necessary action. But the bulk of outreach programs are preventive care treatment and education.

Mbengwi District region experiences high incidences of cardiovascular diseases and more or them leading to strokes and cardiac arrests. Outreach programs are structured to limit incidences of such cases. Infant mortality remains high Meta region due to lack of prenatal care. If expecting mothers do not go to the hospital and health centers outreach programs are structured to reach them. If mothers are unable to vaccinate their children for whatever reason outreach programs are intended to educate and take corrective measures. The mission of outreach programs is to provide screening testing and education in areas such as nutrition and weight management diabetes cardiovascular disease pregnancy contraception sexually transmitted infection and other health risks. Our system outreach program for mobile Clinic is structured to re-enforce care provided at the hospitals and health centers where such facilities exist and are reachable by patients.

Unlike care provided at the hospital Mobile Clinic Services are free anonymous preventative screenings provided in locations such as churches markets funeral and celebrations and on demand as well.


  • Blood pressure checks for basic information about hypertension.
  • Blood glucose screening for basic information about diabetes
  • Heart health checks. For basic information about cholesterol
  • Nutrition counseling for basic information about nutrition
  • Health Education
  • Dental Care
  • Neonatal
  • Expecting Mothers Care
  • Childcare
  • Confidential HIV testing and counseling for basic information about HIV
  • Glaucoma screening.
  • Referrals to other hospitals and health centers and follow-up
  • Pregnancy tests and family planning
  • Vaccination and other child welfare programs.
  • Home visits and follow-ups care /emergencies
  • Providing authentic medications
  • Preventive care (This topic is defined in details as part of medical services)
  • Primary Care (This document is defined in details as part of medical services)
  • IT link of wireless laptops (secured) to Microhealth Global databases for coordination and oversight
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