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Health facilities in Cameroon are faced with challenges that include under-staffing untrained staff lack of equipment and supplies operating without sufficient doctors and delivery systems for effective patient care. Today healthcare management systems are lagging undermining the work of medical staff such as nurses and doctors. It is not enough to diagnose a patient. It is not enough to write a prescription for a patient. What a healthcare facility does when the patient shows up for consultation until discharge is what Africans need. The middle section is fuzzy making follow-up of discharged patients difficult and impossible. There are no discharge summaries consultation reports and lab results known as documented patient treatment history. These are lagging because there are no effective protocols and procedures in most hospitals. In a nutshell what a patient goes through during treatment is nothing but a bandage or freelancing. In addition to attending to immediate health problems we are changing decades of this culture. We need you as a partner.

We target Health Awareness and Education at Schools Churches and Markets and at Homes of Village Leaders. Our healthcare is a bottom-up strategy starting from homes villages and communities. We have partnered with over 18 hospitals and Health Centers in Cameroon to synergize resources and make tremendous advancement it Preventive Care and Treatment in North West Region of Cameroon with a population of over 2.3 million people. Cameroon healthcare policy supports not only government entities but private initiatives as well. This collaborative structure is new and operates well in major cities of Yaounde and Douala. It leaves out rural regions where help is needed the most. It is where we need your expertise in one of our Mobile Care Clinic Health Center or Hospital. You will also have the flexibility to work in all three facilities.

As a volunteer in Cameroon you will acquire knowledge share skills and build relationships.  Your medical background will determine your placement at the various Health Centers or Hospitals where you feel comfortable.

During the work and volunteer experience you will come to a new understanding of what constitutes a basic need between the various cultures and tropical diseases. You will be introduced to some of the survival techniques of medical doctors’ effective treatment methods where there is limited technology to support medical care.

To volunteer please send an email to a page about why you want to volunteer and your specialty of interest.

You can also snail mail your application to:  Microhealth Global Co. P.O. Box 721 Stoughton MA 0207 USA

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